I know it will be a very long time, but I have hope that lots of people will have already had COVID-19 or they will be vacinated. So hopefully by next summer we can stop wearing masks and give each other hugs!
The CDC just issued initial guidance today that allows for unmasked visits indoors of family members who have been vaccinated, with other unvaccinated family members not at risk for complications. (IOW, if you’re not at risk, grandma and grandpa can visit if they’re vaccinated.) https://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2021/p0308-vaccinated-guidelines.html. If we maintain current vaccination rates of 2 million/day, we would hit the lower end of herd immunity (70% vaccinated), about 100 days from now, or about mid-June, or the upper end (90%) by 135 days from now, or late July. That assumes both that we maintain current rates and that a sufficient number of people is willing to get the vaccine.