Weird Carelessness: Something happened lately.

I don’t know what and I don’t know how. I live with a roommate and I used to be very secret about my ‘privacy’ (What I watch on the Internet and what I do while watching, if you know what I mean) but something like a week ago I suddenly stopped carrying. I can’t really explain why and it seems so weird to me, because I really hide what I do. Do you know what might caused that sudden change in my attitude towards my ‘privacy’?

Hard to say without knowing more. Maybe you trust your roommate? Maybe you’re shedding habitual self-consciousness or shame? That said, it’s important that living arrangements are built on trust and communication. It would be wise to check in with your roommate about their comfort level with your activities: “Hey, does it bug you when I…” and if it doesn’t, “If you change your mind, tell me, I can change when & where, etc.”