This makes me sad. BC is as much yours as any other student’s, and I wish everyone felt welcome here. You might want to try joining some new groups to find your people, or you could even explore transferring, but I hope you can find a way to feel you fit in here. Talking with Counseling Services might also be helpful (bit.ly/BC-counseling).

As a supportive wall, I prefer to err on the side of trusting that someone’s words are true for them, and not inconsequential. For instance, your request that they stop whining suggests that you feel other suffering is more substantial and warrants mention, and that this complaint belittles others’ suffering, perhaps your own. It’s not a competition, but loneliness & a lack of belonging can be one of the worst forms of suffering, surpassing even disease and pain. I hope you find compassionate ears for your own suffering.

May we all find the support we need!