学不下去啦xué bù xià qù la [I can’t study anymore]

学不下去啦xué bù xià qù la [I can't study anymore]
学不下去啦xué bù xià qù la [I can’t study anymore] 快回家养老吧: D kuài huí jiā yǎng lǎo ba: D [Let’s go home and retire :D] 加油加油我可以jiā yóu jiā yóu wǒ kě yǐ [Cheer up! Cheer up! I can.] 加油加油我最棒呀(呀=鸭duck) jiā yóu jiā yóu wǒ zuì bàng ya [Cheer up! Cheer up! I’m the best.]

Yes, Cheer up! There will be a rest from studying soon!