Do you think there are more doors or wheels in the world?

Do you think there are more doors or wheels in the world?
Do you think there are more doors or wheels in the world?

Definitely more wheels than doors. Fun fact: Lego (the company) makes more tires than any other company in the world! So they make enough wheels for me to feel confident that there are more wheels than doors. Wheee!

Interesting just to be clear when I say wheels I mean pullys can also be included and for doors I also include cabinets, cardoors, is your answer still the same?
Interesting just to be clear when I say wheels I mean pullys can also be included and for doors I also include cabinets, cardoors, is your answer still the same?

If we include pulleys, it seems as if we also ought to include gears. Think of all the mechanisms! In that case, I support my earlier answer: wheeeeeeels! (Can you tell I long for movement?)