Abortion is not murder. To have children is, and worse. [Response: That would be true if you assume life isn’t worth living, which unfortunately sometimes I agree with]

Abortion is not murder. To have children is, and worse. [Response: That would be true if you assume life isn't worth living, which unfortunately sometimes I agree with]
Abortion is not murder. To have children is, and worse. [Response: That would be true if you assume life isn’t worth living, which unfortunately sometimes I agree with]

I’m sorry one of you sometimes think life isn’t worth living, and I’m also sorry one of you thinks having children is akin to murder, because you were a child once. (We all were.) I hope you’re both able to find people to talk to when you find yourself sliding into those feelings. If friends or family aren’t available, or you don’t feel comfortable having that conversation with them, you can always talk to someone confidentially at BC Counseling Services (bit.ly/BC-counseling).