征婚信息男178(厘米), 戴眼镜 喜欢玩游戏 穿短裤,拖鞋, 感兴趣+ Nizih?? 610

征婚信息男178(厘米), 戴眼镜 喜欢玩游戏 穿短裤,拖鞋, 感兴趣+ Nizih?? 610 [Lonely hearts ad, Male, 178cm, wears glasses, likes to play games, wears shorts and slippers. If you are interested please contact Nizihan 610]
征婚信息男178(厘米), 戴眼镜 喜欢玩游戏 穿短裤,拖鞋, 感兴趣+ Nizih?? 610 [Lonely hearts ad, Male, 178cm, wears glasses, likes to play games, wears shorts and slippers. If you are interested please contact Nizihan 610]

I would suppose there are other, more effective venues for a lonelyhearts posting. I hope you find a friend. I like the idea of slippers, and if I had feet I’d probably wear them myself, since I’m an interior wall and don’t get out much.