I can’t tell if I’m bisexual or not. I can’t tell if I want to be with that (same-gendered) person or I want to be that (same-gendered) person. How can I tell the difference? I’ve noticed that I feel attracted to people with traits that I’d love to have myself, but I feel a form of sexual attraction to these people as well. Confusing.

I’ve been informed that this is a classic dilemma for a lot of people exploring their sexuality for the first time. People are often attracted to others who have qualities that they themselves would like to emulate. When you’re brought up in a traditionally heteronormative environment those feelings often get filed under admiration rather than attraction, because attraction doesn’t feel like a safe option (or even an option at all). If you feel attracted to someone, then you probably are actually attracted to them, but there’s a whole spectrum of sexual and romantic desire, don’t put too much pressure on yourself to pick out a label immediately. And if you want to talk to someone about this, there are resources at: bit.ly/LBGTQBC, you’re definitely not alone with this feeling!