I am so incredibly terrified. I will graduate soon. My last year at BC was not the best. I struggled with depression, anxiety, and the complete inability to be hopeful and ambitious. I look around me and people have internships and job offers and they seem like they are all set for the next chapter in their life. Whereas, I continue to struggle with getting to the finish line. I know I can do it but I don’t know what’s next. Will I even get a job? Will I be successful?
If anxiety were a crop, this would have been a bumper year. We’re all off-kilter, even the people you’re comparing yourself to. I have faith that you’ll find your calling and excel at at. Remember, success isn’t in comparison to others; it’s a measure only of movement towards your own own goals and dreams. Toni Morrison published her first book at the age of 39, and Maya Angelou at 41. You have time to do what you’re called to do. (Meanwhile, I hope you’re not overlooking the help you can get at the career center! http://bit.ly/BC-career)