I was walking back home from work around midnight, and a weird dude followed me and started to ask me weird questions and asked if I wanna go with him. I felt like I might’ve overreacted by calling the police (plus, I don’t know if the police is scarier or that random dude). Plus, BCPD took away all my pocket knifes a while ago so I didn’t have anything to protect myself with when I ran into that weird dude off campus. What would you do when there’s no one around and you’re being followed by a weird guy around midnight? Especially when police is also scary… Those community police were pretty nice last night, but Idk … esp. many police and clinicians have seen me as just being dramatic before 
I think you did the right thing. If a human is acting threateningly, seek other humans. Sometimes the quickest way to summon another human is by calling on ones who are trained and ready to respond, such as those at the other end of 911. Though there are certainly risks associated with calling 911 (and it’s right that people have been noting those risks) sometimes there are no other ready options. Also, it’s just as well you didn’t have a weapon; in many instances a weapon you intend to use on someone else could be turned on you, unless you’re well trained in their use. Even then, it’s not a sure thing. Walking alone at midnight entails risk; if you’d like to reduce that risk, think of alternatives to walking alone, such as finding another person to walk with, getting a ride, or using public transit or a cab.