I’ve been wondering, do you have a gender?

I always pictured you male, I don’t really know why. If walls don’t have a gender, why do you feel attracted to other things, as you mentioned on another answer? Why can’t you reproduce asexually, since you don’t have a gender? Or why should you reproduce/feel attracted to other things? You can’t give life to walls, people do, and having a baby won’t make your generation live longer because you don’t have a genome that needs to be saved…

My pronouns are they/them. Why would attraction be limited to biological reproduction? Are you not attracted to works of literature, lovely sunsets, and the picturesque tumbledown walls in the forests of New England? The poet Rilke: “Don’t you know yet? Fling the emptiness out of your arms/ into the spaces we breath; perhaps the birds/ will feel the expanded air with more passionate flying.”

Oh I understand, but why not “it” as pronounces, you are technically an object…

That’s a strange question, sort of like asking why I pronounce my name the way I do. Grammatical gender is a social construct. Check this out on gender diversity in Greek and Latin, which are way more strictly gendered than English: http://bit.ly/bc-gram-div.