I’m confuddled as to what to do

Hi! I take myself as a straight male on the most part, but recently I developed a crush on another male. I don’t know what to do, since as I’m not sure if they would enter a biromantical relationship, and I don’t want to make things awkward in classes. Plus they have a large friendship group, so I wouldn’t know how to approach them in a friendly manner. Please help!

Thank you for the gift of the word “confuddled!” Treat the situation as you would if your inamorato were an inamorata. Whether a he or she, advances being unwelcome is always a risk. It helps if there are trusted mutuals with whom you can confer. It’s also worth evaluating your crush on scales of both intensity & permanence: is this a passing crush, or a deep love that won’t let you go? How much will you stake on it? Attraction is often confuddling. I wish you clarity.