I know that hurting myself will likely get me sent to a psych inpatient again so better not do so if I want to continue working there haha. I guess it’s nice offering support to others. I greatly appreciate how much it also helps me. Although sometimes I feel like I need a break from my life, from all the deep rooted pain.
I’m sorry you have so much pain that you sometimes want to hurt yourself, but I’m glad you found some work supporting others that helps you bear it. I find that supporting others sometimes gives me a little distance from my own pain and helps me understand it as less central to my sense of self. As much as it pains me to see others suffer, I also feel less alone when I know I’m not the only one who feels pain. If the pain gets too much to bear, I hope you also find that talking to someone helps. I’m sure you know you can always talk to someone at BC counseling (if you’re a BC student): bit.ly/bc-counseling. And I wish I could give you a hug, but I don’t have arms… that’s one of my own struggles. Always remember, just being you is enough.
That is a very insightful and well-written answer! When you get a chance, plz say thank you to whoever the human friend you consult with. IDK if those answers apply to me but I feel better now so I’ll send u a virtual hug. 🙂
Thank you! 😊 I’ll tell my librarian assistants.