I am not into musicals. I hate hip-hop. I hate rap. My nationality isn’t American. I don’t care at all about American History. I don’t find historical drama entertaining. Why do I find myself watching it 10+ times and enjoying it?
Give in. We’re all just as Helpless…
I’m not sure I can give in. On the internet I see people who are into Hamilton for 3 years and counting. I’m not sure I am ready for this. But I’m not sure if I can control it.
Alexander Hamilton himself was of the same mind: “You should not have taken advantage of my sensibility to steal into my affections without my consent.”
Oh, I recognize this quote. It was form a letter to John Laurens, right? Anyways, since I’m going to let myself go with the prepare for a flood of questions about this topic.
The questions will be Non-Stop?
Certainly yes. I find myself never Satisfied with listening to the full soundtrack. I can’t even Wait For It. If only there was a way I could listen to it more often, That Would Be Enough. Maybe this way it will get boring to me faster. I just can’t Take A Break from listening to it. I know I’ll listen to it for One Last Time and then I’ll probably forget about it until a year later when it pops up in my feed, but until then… But because I discovered it quite late, I’m wondering, What Did I Miss? I have the feeling there was this whole community (much larger than the current one) circling around Hamilton, that I just never was part of. But when I eventually stop listening to Hamilton, What Comes Next? Will I actually free myself from Hamilton or will I still be in front of my monitor with YouTube opened, on the soundtrack, and asking myself: “How can I Say No To This?”. Will I Stay Alive for enough time, to see the fall of Hamilton? And if I see Hamilton loose popularity, will I constantly hear it whispering “You’ll Be Back”? It’s like a never ending Hurricane, garbing more and more people on it’s way and not letting them go. At some point, it will Blow Us All Away, I know, but when? I keep telling to myself, that there will be eventually this moment, when the American revolution is a topic in my life, when I’m people, I will be able to say “I Know Him” when for example James Madison comes up and I’ll be able to talk about the Guns And Ships, as well as the The Reynolds Pamphlet, that were part of of it. If this happens, I won’t throw away My Shot, I’ll speak everything I have learned from Hamilton. I still feel this won’t happen. It’s like a flame, Burn-ing me.
I look forward to eventually hearing or seeing whatever this brilliant musical inspires you to create!