I am currently writing a book, but I have almost no time to work on it. I want to write every day, but I study the whole day and when my free time in the evening comes, I just can’t bring myself to write. I want to relax and just “chill” as they say. Can you give me some tips to motivate and bring myself to write and not lose motivation?
Writing is hard to begin with, and when it’s pitted against all the other things we’re obligated to do it often takes a back seat. You *do* need time to recharge, so try not to pit it against that. Find a 20-30 minute time in the day you can commit to writing, even if “writing” ends up meaning sitting in a chair looking at a blank screen sometimes. You may need to pull time away from other obligations. Meanwhile, don’t expect magic. Writing is hard work, so be kind to yourself. I highly recommend Anne Lamott’s Bird by Bird to put you in the right mindset: disciplined, but also able to laugh. Good luck!