Becoming more compasionite for yourself requires knowing and accepting who you are. If you’re the type of person who rarely looks into the future, you might be suprized at how much self-knowledge and self-acceptance you have to gain from looking forward.
It’s a wise person who pursues compassion for the self. I can see how you might come to know yourself by being more aware of your dreams and fears. One can also focus on the immediate present. Try focusing on your breath. When your mind wanders, gently bring it back to the breath. When you’ve done this many times in a daily practice, you begin to see themes in where you mind wanders, which is another way of knowing yourself. If you keep it up even longer, you begin to sense the very moments in which your mind begins to construct your fears and hopes, and you may even realize you can choose among them, and don’t need to be controlled by them.