Hello! :D So, my question may kinda be about something illigal…I think. Okay, there thsi guy I like, but I strongly think he is gay. And my question is: Is it right to ask for his phone to do something small (call a friend or etc.) and quickly look at his hystery on his phone and search for “pornography” to see if he watches straght or gay one?

Just to make sure he is straight. I know I can just ask him, but, well… no. If it is fine, and legal, to check his hystery, then I will do that. (I know that looking at somenes pornography hystery is kinda..you know…creepy… but I really want to be sure.) And he might as well be a maniac who deletes all traces, so then this question may be un-needed.

I can understand the urge to reduce your emotional risk, but, it is none of your business whether he is gay or not, so any sleuthing to determine that is inappropriate. Your motivation to know seems to be because you’re interested in dating him. If that is true, you should just tell him you’re interested in more than friendship, and let him respond. Regarding searching his phone, that’s a really bad idea for a few reasons. It’s almost certainly illegal in several ways. Even if it weren’t, it would be an invasion of privacy to snoop through someone’s phone for anything, much less something as personal as their browsing history. Hard to see how doing that as the first step in a possible relationship makes any sense.