Ooh, tricky. Let me make some general suggestions and you can see if they’re the kind of thing you have in mind. PhilPapers is one of our databases that has a convenient organization: you can search for an author whose work you’re interested in, or browse through a list of philosophical topics. That way you can see which titles are interested in which kinds of questions. http://bit.ly/bc-philpapers. Your second option would be the smaller collection of philosophy titles at Browzine, which is set up a little better for giving you the latest issue of a particular title. http://bit.ly/bc-browzine-phil. Both of those are oriented around scholarly titles, so if you’re interested in more popular materials I have one more suggestion. Tell my helper Chris Strauber, who works with philosophy, what kinds of things you’re interested in and he can help you come up with a list that’s more like that. http://bit.ly/bc-browzine-phil