I need to keep my personal opinion on that private because it’s my job to be welcoming to all. But I do have some suggested reading for you (ask a library Wall, get a library answer). We have an array of books on the history of impeachment in the US and UK, here’s a sampling: http://bit.ly/bc-impeach1. Chief Justice Rehnquist wrote a book on 19th century impeachments in the early 90’s, before presiding over the trial of President Clinton. http://bit.ly/bc-impeach2. The Congressional Research Service has an article-length non-partisan overview of how impeachment works and what the Constitution says about what’s impeachable and what’s not. http://bit.ly/bc-impeach3. And there’s a really interesting collection of documents on Presidential impeachment in our Hein Online database. http://bit.ly/bc-impeach4