I asked one of my helpers about this, and she wrote back: LOL. She added AJ is a go-to soothing drink, think: after pre-k circle time, hospital recoveries, and easy on the tummy during flight. Even though it’s a crowd pleaser with the under 10 crowd, it’s still an acceptable big kid beverage. If you want to branch out, though, this is an excellent time of year for local apple cider.

Yup. One of my assistants tells me that if you’re after some good, easy-drinking, cheap cider, check out Downeast and Bantam as well. Other Boston cideries that are doing better things than any of those places are Artifact Cider (with a Stranger Things themed cider), Prospect Ciderworks, and Far From The Tree out in Salem. If you’re really looking for wild stuff, splurge for a bottle of Farnum Hill Cider. It’s a far cry more expensive than Angry Orchard, but it’s real good.