I have polled my library colleagues, and the response was mixed, a little like our recent round of precipitation. But I think “Yes” wins the day. With 57 responses, 37 responded “Yes, it’s pretty and/or fun & sometimes gives me a day off,” 3 responded “No, it is a curse I must suffer because I live in New England,” and 17 responded “Other.” Here are the comments that came with Other:
- A light dusting of snow is beautiful, anything more than that is a nuisance.
- both
- Both!
- Both! Love watching it fall and coat the trees. Like it less on my car and driveway. I would bet that the Wall’s neighbor, the Floor has strong opinions against snow.
- Both! Mostly I think it is beautiful and gets one in the mood for the holidays, but also it can make life difficult and I do not enjoy shoveling it.
- Both. It depends on when it happens. The first 4 times, the answer is Yes, after that it’s No
- Both. It’s nice and pretty at first. By the time we’re getting snow in mid-April, I’m over it.
- From this day forward, if my only exposure to snow was via the art of Currier and Ives, I would be deliriously happy!
- I like it before, and up until a few days after, Christmas-then I’m done!
- I like snow. I dislike the 75% of Boston residents who don’t shovel their walks.
- It’s a lot of fun. Love to downhill ski, cross country ski and fat mountain bike in the snow.
- Love its beauty, but dread getting to work in it.
- Mixed feelings: It’s pretty, but a hassle
- My feelings about snow are non-binary and very complicated.
- Nice to play in, not fun to commute and manage driveway.
- Snow: Yay! Not quite melted snow surrounding deep puddles of slush: Boo! Snow plowed into mountains that freeze into icebergs, blocking crosswalks and growing every dirtier until July 4th: Oy vey iz mir…
- Yes, when it’s pretty and/or fun & gives me a day off & I don’t have to drive in it.