Typically speaking, making a horcrux out of a human is a bad idea. Humans are incredibly apt to being killed/destroyed, and are thus poor objects for use as horcruxes. Nevertheless, being a human (or animal) horcrux is possible, so we must ask: do you have any reason to believe you are one? I cannot prove a counterfactual, but I can suggest that unless you’re very important to someone that has committed murder, and would have been able to then cast the appropriate spell to make you a horcrux, it’s highly unlikely that you’re a horcrux. Remember, Harry is not a normal horcrux – he is a pseudo-horcrux; an accidental vessel for a slice of Voldemort’s soul only possible because Voldemort had already torn his soul so many times to make it unstable. It would be nearly impossible that 2 wizards in the same century did the same.