On Tuesday, President Trump said “it’s a very scary time for young men in America.” On the same day, he reiterated at a rally, “Think of your son. Think of your husband,” referring to false rape accusations, and also mocked Christine Blasey-Ford: bit.ly/cnn-trump-10-2-18. According to several studies, a range of 2-10% of rape accusations are false (bit.ly/BC-false-reporting, BC login required). The Bureau of Justice Statistics (bit.ly/BJS-crime-victim) estimates a total of 323,450 rapes or sexual assaults in 2016, 23% of which (or 74,393) were reported to police. At 2-10%, a range of 1487 to 7439 might have been false accusations. It’s significant, but also a considerably lower number than rape or sexual assault. Men account for about 10% of rape victims, or about 32,000 in 2016. IOW, statistically, young men should be more worried about being raped than being falsely accused of rape.