![What is the meaning of life? [Answered] The meaning of life is that you are someone else's meaning of life :)](https://library.bc.edu/answerwall/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/aw090418-7-204x300.jpg)
Truth is I can’t tell you what your meaning of life is; I think we all need to figure it out for ourselves. Did you know that a search of the phrase “meaning of life” in the library catalog produces 244 results? A lot of people are trying to figure this out. This online book provides one short introduction (bit.ly/meaningoflifeintro). And this book provides some different perspectives for you to think about (bit.ly/meaningoflife2). And then there’s always the Monty Python take on it: PN1997 .M424 2003 (but checked out right now, alas).