Well, one way is to be a Wall, and invite people to ask questions: my answers are published here daily! But I think you mean you want your books sold at bookstores or articles in magazines. Start by learning the craft of writing: take a writing workshop or journalism course here at BC, or at grubstreet.org. Write. A lot. (Get a job as a stringer at a local newspaper to get lots of practice!) Send pieces to magazines or literary journals (subscribe to writersmarket.com for listings & how-to, &/or browse the Novel & Short Story Writer’s Market at the O’Neill Reference Desk: PN3355 .F47). If you have a plan for a non-fiction book or have finished a novel, get a literary agent (O’Neill PN163 .G853) to try to land a publishing deal. Or just go your own way: self-publish via Amazon, and be ready to do a lot of self-promotion! Best of luck!