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Written for Our Instruction: Theological and Spiritual Riches in Romans

Faculty Publication Highlights

Written for Our Instruction: Theological and Spiritual Riches in Romans

by Thomas D. Stegman, S.J.

Today, Christians read Paul’s Letter to the Romans as divinely inspired, as part of the canon of the New Testament. Although penned nearly two thousand years ago to a specific group of believers, this letter was also written for our instruction; hence the title. As Sacred Scripture-along with the other writings attributed to the apostle-Romans is a living word that speaks with as much relevance today as when it was first written. It contains much food for thought, for theological and spiritual reflection. Written for Our Instruction gives a flavor of these theological and spiritual riches.

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Thomas D. Stegman, S.J.

Dean and Professor Ordinarius, Boston College School of Theology and Ministry

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