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Faculty Publication Highlights

Grand Challenges for Social Work and Society

Edited by Rowena Fong & James Lubben & Richard Barth

Interviewees: James Lubben, Ph D, Professor Emeritus, Christina Matz-Costa, PhD, Associate Professor, Jacquelyn James, PhD, Faculty, Erika Sabbath, PhD, Assistant Professor, Rocío Calvo, PhD, Associate Professor, Boston College School of Social Work

The Grand Challenges for Social Work (GCSW) focuses on big, important and compelling problems for all of American society. Sponsored by the American Academy of Social Work and Social Welfare, the 12 Grand Challenges address issues of healthy youth development, the health gap, family violence, long and productive lives, social isolation, homelessness, changing climate environments, technology for social good, smart decarceration, economic inequity, financial capacity, and equal opportunity and justice. GCSW is designed to promote scientific and transformative innovation in social work, engage the social work profession in strengthening the ties among social work organizations, foster transdisciplinary research, create greater acknowledgement of social work science within the discipline and by other and related disciplines, and expand the student pipeline into the social work profession.

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Rowena Fong
EdD, MSW, University of Texas at Austin, School of Social Work

James Lubben
PhD, Professor Emeritus, Boston College School of Social Work

Richard Barth
PhD, MSW, Dean of the University of Maryland School of Social Work

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