The artifacts seen here are handmade creations, brought to you by the students in “Early Printed Books: History and Craft,” a course taught by History Professor Virginia Reinburg and Burns Library Book Conservator Barbara Adams Hebard. This course is taught in the Burns Library, and is devoted to the rich history of printing and book arts from the early centuries of movable type in the west. Along with doing research in the Burns Library’s collections, students participate in the craft of making books by working under the instruction of Barbara Hebard. Here you see our contemporary versions of early modern book arts: girdle books, vellum-covered books.
O'Neill Reading Room Exhibit
There are three horizontal cases in the O’Neill Reading Room, featuring special collections from the John J. Burns Library.
Books Made by Students of Early Printed Books
December 9, 2016 - January 20, 2017
Sponsored by the Boston College Libraries

The artifacts seen here are handmade creations, brought to you by the students in “Early Printed Books: History and Craft,” a course taught by History Professor Virginia Reinburg and Burns Library Book Conservator Barbara Adams Hebard. This course is taught in the Burns Library, and is devoted to the rich history of printing and book arts from the early centuries of movable type in the west. Along with doing research in the Burns Library’s collections, students participate in the craft of making books by working under the instruction of Barbara Hebard. Here you see our contemporary versions of early modern book arts: girdle books, vellum-covered books.