Utilizing three photograph collections form the University Archives: Boston College special guests and events, Boston College athletic photographs, and Boston College building and campus images this exhibit showcases reproductions of some interesting and iconic images from the long and storied history of Boston College. Highlights include President Kennedy at the centenary convocation, as well as the 1940 National Champion football team.
O'Neill Reading Room Exhibit
There are three horizontal cases in the O’Neill Reading Room, featuring special collections from the John J. Burns Library.
Scenes of BC: Images from the BC Archives
February - May 2016

Utilizing three photograph collections form the University Archives: Boston College special guests and events, Boston College athletic photographs, and Boston College building and campus images this exhibit showcases reproductions of some interesting and iconic images from the long and storied history of Boston College. Highlights include President Kennedy at the centenary convocation, as well as the 1940 National Champion football team.