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Keep Singing: The Musical Legacy of Theodore Marier

Burns Library Exhibit

Four wall cases featuring exhibits highlighting collections in the Burns Library.

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Keep Singing: The Musical Legacy of Theodore Marier

October 1 – October 31, 2012

Dr. Theodore N. Marier (†2001) graduated from Boston College in 1934, and stayed on to become director of the Musical Clubs and a lecturer on music until WWII. Also in 1934, he began his work at St. Paul’s Catholic Church, Harvard Square, which lasted for 50 years. His musical interest in the Catholic liturgy encompassed the organ, publishing, the schola cantorum, and polyphony, but always remained centered on Gregorian Chant, and the active participation of the congregation. This exhibit was timed to mark the centenary of his birth, Oct. 17, 1912, and looks in particular at his time at Boston College, using the newly digitized and indexed collection of the Boston College Heights.

Dr. Theodore N. Marier (†2001) graduated from Boston College in 1934, and stayed on to become director of the Musical Clubs and a lecturer on music until WWII. Also in 1934, he began his work at St. Paul’s Catholic Church, Harvard Square, which lasted for 50 years. His musical interest in the Catholic liturgy encompassed the organ, publishing, the schola cantorum, and polyphony, but always remained centered on Gregorian Chant, and the active participation of the congregation. This exhibit was timed to mark the centenary of his birth, Oct. 17, 1912, and looks in particular at his time at Boston College, using the newly digitized and indexed collection of the Boston College Heights.