Teaching at BC Libraries Snapshot, Fall 2023
Librarians at BC taught 258 instruction sessions in summer and fall 2023, shy of the 2019 high-water mark by only three sessions. In these sessions we taught library skills and strategies to 6814 students. Here’s the breakdown, followed by survey feedback from First-year Writing Seminar students and faculty.
By the Numbers
- First-year Writing Seminars (FWS): 78
- Burns Library: 33
- Subject Specific: 133
- Summer Orientation: 14
- Enduring Questions/Complex Problems Core courses: 12*
- Held in O’Neill classroom 307: 77*
- Undergraduate sessions total: 188*
- Graduate sessions total: 66*
*These categories overlap with others.
FWS Survey Results
Library instructors surveyed students in all 78 First-year Writing Seminar (FWS) sessions, and received 419 responses, a roughly 35% response rate. We also surveyed instructors and received 26 responses. Here are some visualizations and excerpts.
[T]he library instructor we worked with was so incredibly helpful! She was super clear and organized with everything she explained and taught me so many new techniques. I felt like the session helped me with my research a lot.
FWS Student
Very helpful; thank you! Students said they felt more confident and they were choosing appropriate sources in their annotated bibliographies.
FWS Instructor
The Librarian] is always such a wonderful help each semester–my students have always had a positive experience with her!
FWS Instructor
This was very helpful. I will definitely visit a librarian for help!
FWS Student
[The Librarian] did a fabulous job organizing the materials for our library day. I asked my students about their experience, and they were very grateful for the resources that [the librarian] provided. As an instructor, I was extremely grateful to have people like [the librarian] on our campus, and I’m especially appreciative of the time he spent preparing for our lesson. Thank you for making this process so effortless, and I wish you nothing but positivity in the future 🙂
FWS Instructor
Arranging a Library Session
Arranging a library session is quick and easy. Just visit this library instruction page for the appropriate contact information for your course(s).
Once you’ve filled out the appropriate form or emailed your subject librarian, we’ll contact you regarding logistics and goals, including the knowledge, skills, and strategies your students will need to succeed in the research assignment. We have a classroom for instruction in O’Neill (307), and are also happy to come into your classroom. Both Burns Library and the Digital Scholarship Group have additional spaces for instruction.