Print Power! Debuts in the O’Neill Library Level 1 Gallery, September 2019
Now showing in the Level 1 Gallery is Print Power! volume 5, an intercollegiate exchange portfolio of 60 persuasive posters co-organized by Art, Art History and Film Department faculty Brian Reeves and University of Southern Maine faculty Damir Porobic.

Participants were asked to create fifteen or more of their own propaganda poster prints on behalf of, or against ideas, cultural practices, or institutions of their choice. Media ranges from screen prints and hand-carved relief prints, to a laser-cut stencil, and digital offset prints from BC’s own Eagle Print services in Carney Hall.

Propaganda has an effect on the way we see and act in the world. Part of the point of the assignment is to heighten awareness of how prevalent manipulative messaging is in our cultural landscape, and to provide students an opportunity to take their own firm stand. The aim of converting others to their cause — to increase awareness, educate and call others to action — drove the design process. For most, it was their first experience with the technology they’re using.

Posters were created by students and faculty from four institutions of higher learning, including students at Boston College, Maine College of Art, The University of Southern Maine, and Southern Maine Community College.

Participating Boston College students with posters on display:
Ashley Allinson
Anastasia Chase
Karen Choi
Katie Diasti
Sofia Fernandez
Sydney Freeman
Alexandra Graham
Michael Granzier
Vivienne Le
Margaret Loughman
Riley Overend
Abigail Paulson
Lily Sun
David Yan
Anthony Zhao
Each participant in the project receives back a subset of the prints of others in a sturdy cardboard envelope designed and screen printed by Reeves, also on display in the gallery. (Participating students who haven’t received theirs should contact Brian Reeves.)