The BC Libraries hope you can take a moment to celebrate the turning of the season towards spring by browsing a selection of pastoral poetry on display in the O’Neill Library lobby, and listening to a few audio samples available…
The Reference Desk is staffed by Reference Assistants Sarah Shepherd, Caroline Safreed, and Michael Burke on Monday-Thursday 4pm to 9pm. We are all graduate students at Simmons University studying Library Science. Come by and say hi!
Boston College has entered into a “Read and Publish” agreement with Cambridge University Press. That sounds great, but what does it mean? The “Read” part of the agreement is library access to the entire Cambridge University Press Full Journals Package.…
Dropping the Card If you ask a cataloger, the only reason libraries work is accurate cataloging: if our resources weren’t organized, you’d be hard-pressed to find anything. So if you want to understand what’s under the hood of the BC…
As we navigate a rapidly changing world, access to high-quality, peer-reviewed content is vital for scholars, researchers, and anyone concerned with the world and culture around them. Here at Boston College Libraries, we publish seventeen open access peer-reviewed e-journals that…