Library Services Update
Update 3/18/20: As of 5pm today, all Boston College Libraries will be closed until further notice. We will maintain a full suite of digital content and services. Periodic retrievals of print materials as per patron requests. Please see the BC Libraries Service Updates page for current information about and links to services.

As Boston College has moved entirely to online instruction for the remainder of the semester, the University Libraries are providing support to students and faculty in myriad ways. For the most up-to-date information on hours and services, see this guide. Here are the key points:
Online Course Materials
The Libraries will continue all online course materials services. While already extensive, additional online and streaming materials will be purchased as required to meet needs and will be made available as soon as possible.
Subject Liaisons Offering Heightened Online Consultation
In addition to our general reference services, our subject specialist liaisons are available to provide whatever assistance they can to students and faculty. These services range from quick reference questions to extensive online consultations, but also just help in navigating information and services.
Print Materials for Coursework and Research
We will scan entire books when needed for research or instruction (discussions in the library community support this emergency-related copyright exception). Requests for scanning entire books will be processed in weekly increments. To facilitate this process, we ask that faculty submit their requests broken down by chapter and date needed. Please note that we cannot promise timely fulfillment for this service if demand for it increases dramatically. The first choice would be for faculty to find alternative online resources.
Burns Library Special Collections
We will work with faculty/students on individual bases to provide scans of historical/primary sources needed for instruction or research. Please place requests through
Extended Loan Periods
Loan periods for library owned materials will be extended to Sept. 1. Similarly, fines for most materials will be waived until Sept. 1, 2020. Exceptions include materials in Course Reserves and items not owned by the Libraries, such as materials obtained through Interlibrary Loan. For questions about items in Course Reserves, please contact Course Reserves at or at 617-552-2297. For questions about items obtained through Interlibrary Loan, please contact Interlibrary Loan at or 617-552-3209.
Returning Materials
For questions about mailing materials, please visit the Contact Us library webpage; or contact us at or 617-552-8038.
Interlibrary Loan Services
At the current time, Interlibrary Loan services are fully operational. Timelines for interlibrary loan requests may be affected by the availability of interlibrary loan services at other institutions. To access your interlibrary loan account, please visit the interlibrary loan webpage. If you need assistance, please contact us at or at 617-552-3209
Expanded Chat Reference Services
We have increased staffing for our Ask-A-Librarian Services, including 24/7 online chat and email reference.
The Physical Libraries
BC Libraries are closed until further notice. Please check the Libraries Update Services Update for current policies & services.