With over 700 databases, 200 library guides, and access to tens of thousands of journals, it’s no wonder that a few resources are overlooked. Here are eight librarians with recommendations for their favorite under-appreciated resources.
Each year O’Neill Library employs currently enrolled library science students at Simmons University to staff the reference desk Monday through Thursday evenings. All of them are on the cusp of embarking on careers in librarianship of one form or another.…
For the month of April (Earth Month!) BC Libraries’ sustainability group GreenerLib has assembled a book display: Telling Climate Stories. We invite you to drop by the O’Neill Library lobby to browse and to check out a title of interest.…
Three new staff members have recently joined our 22 full time Access Services staff and approximately 100 student employees to help carry out our four core areas of service–Circulation, Collection Maintenance, Course Reserves and Interlibrary Loan–to ensure that library patrons…
Silver lining It can be a struggle to find the good in a disaster that continues to unfold, but adapting to a more online world has had some unanticipated silver linings, one of which is Staff Picks, an online display…