O'Neill Reading Room Exhibit: Recent Acquisitions
Fri, May 18, 2018Each year the collections of the Boston College Libraries are enriched by the generosity and foresight of benefactors who created endowed funds to support library collections. Each fall, O’Neill Library bibliographers work with faculty across the disciplines to select materials fitting the guidelines of each fund. Often, this is the only way that the Libraries can acquire these important, expensive resources. Materials purchased this year have greatly expanded the chronological reach of our U.S. periodical and newspaper access with the additions of the American Antiquarian Society Historical Periodicals Database (1684 – 1912) and Early American Newspapers, Series 2, 1758 – 1900: The New Republic. The addition of Divided Society, focused on the Troubles period in Northern Ireland and the subsequent Peace Process, and several resources focused on Asia, including the Handbook of Oriental Studies: Section 4, China, and the Foreign Office Files for Japan, providing access to the British Foreign Office content, extend our international reach. And, just a few more examples show that researchers and students in Business (RKMA Market Research Handbooks), Humanities (Open Commons of Phenomenology), and the Sciences (Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences journal backfile 1823 - ), and in many disciplines, will benefit long into the future.