Guiney and Boston College
The Society of Jesus, a Catholic religious order, was founded by Ignatius of Loyola in 1540. Ignatius encouraged his followers, known as Jesuits, to “find God in all things,” and to dedicate themselves to the “greater glory of God” and good of all humanity. The Jesuits founded educational institutions throughout the world, including Boston College.
Guiney was first introduced to the Society of Jesus as a young child. She attended Mass with her family at the Church of the Immaculate Conception, the church affiliated with the Jesuits and Boston College in Boston’s South End. She regarded a number of Jesuit priests as not only spiritual leaders but friends. She corresponded with Boston College president, Robert Fulton, SJ, and collaborated with other Jesuits on writing projects.
Boston College Jesuits

Boston College on Harrison Avenue, Boston. Church of the Immaculate Conception on the left, school on the right
Image from Boston College Office of Marketing Communications
The Church of the Immaculate Conception welcomed local families such as the Guineys. In his letters, Boston College president, Robert Fulton, SJ, called Guiney’s mother a heroine for the volunteer work she did for the church. He offered more nuanced praise for Guiney’s books: “I like everything about your prose: I like only somethings [sic] in your poetry.”

Robert Fulton, SJ
Box 4, Folder 136, Boston College Faculty and Staff Photographs, BC2000-005

letter dated ‘Nov. 5’
Box 1, Folder 5, Robert Fulton, SJ, President’s Office records, BC1986-020B

Thomas Ignatius Gasson, SJ
Box 5, Folder 23, Boston College Faculty and Staff Photographs, BC2000.005

Mount of Olives
Louise Imogen Guiney, ed., The Mount of Olives, BR1720.P3 V3 1902 GENERAL
Stained Glass Window
By the time Guiney died in 1920, Boston College had outgrown its urban setting and moved to Chestnut Hill. A master plan for the campus was designed by the Boston architectural firm Maginnis and Walsh, which favored the neo-Gothic style championed by Ralph Adams Cram. Guiney counted Cram and then Boston College president Thomas Gasson, SJ, among her friends

James Dolan, SJ
Box 2, Folder 28, Boston College Faculty and Staff Photographs, BC2000-005

Louise Imogen Guiney, A Roadside Harp, PS1767 .R6

Francis W. Sweeney, SJ
Box 13, Folder 26, Boston College Faculty and Staff Photographs, BC2000-005

Daniel N. Dwyer, SJ
Box 4, Folder 31, Boston College Faculty and Staff Photographs, BC2000-005

Stained glass windows of Boston College’s library, designed by Earl Edward Sanborn
Image from Boston College Office of Marketing Communications