The Jesuits: Culture, Learning, and the Arts. 1540-1773
Original Exhibit Spring 1997
The subject of this exhibit is the contribution of the Society of Jesus
to various branches of knowledge during the early modern period.
Christopher Clavius (1538-1612) was the first Jesuit to gain a European-wide
reputation as a mathematician and astronomer. He was born in Bamberg, Germany
and educated at various Jesuit colleges in Spain and Italy, but most of
his teaching career was spent at the Collegio Romano. Clavius helped to
reform the Church calendar and assisted in the drafting of the Ratio
studiorum. For his efforts in geometry he became known as the "Euclid
of the sixteenth century." The Burns holds a copy of Clavius' In sphaeram
Ioannis de Sacro Bosco.
The image at left is from Athanasius Kircher's Ars magna lucis et umbrae
in decem libros digesta, published in Rome in 1646. Kircher (1602-1690)
was a German Jesuit who joined the Society at the age of seventeen. He taught
various subjects in Germany, France, and Italy. Kircher eventually focused
much of his attention on physics and archeology. He is known especially
for his construction of mirrors and projectors, as well as his interpretation
of hieroglyphics found in ancient ruins. In addition to the Ars magna,
the Burns holds ten other works of Kircher.
Pictures and text concerning works other than those owned by the Burns
Library are also a part of this exhibit. One example is the photo at left
of the title page from Roger Boscovich's Theoria philosophia naturalis.
The career and publications of Boscovich (1711-1787) represent the revival
of Jesuit science in the eighteenth century. After 1730 the Jesuits adopted
curriculum reforms which in part led to new scientific achievements by members
of the Society. Boscovich was the most prolific author, with more than one
hundred publications. The Theoria, which sought to explain the physical
and chemical properties of matter, is his most important work.
For Further Study: The Burns Library houses an extensive
collection of books and other materials relating to the Society of
Jesus. Contact a library staff member for details.
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