Rev. Charles F. Donovan, SJ
Original Exhibit Summer 1998
On July 17, 1998, Rev. Charles F. Donovan, SJ, a long-time member of the
Boston College community, died at the age of 86. This exhibit commemorates the
life and work of Father Donovan at the Heights.
A native of Boston, Father Donovan attended Boston College and entered
the Society of Jesus. He earned a doctorate at Yale University, and joined
the faculty of Boston College in 1948. In 1952 he became the founding Dean
of the School of Education. From 1961 to 1968 he was Academic Vice President
and Dean of Faculties. From 1968 to 1979 he was Senior Vice President and
Dean of Faculties, and from then until his death he served as University
Historian. Father Donovan is pictured at left in the University Archives,
where he often worked in his last position.
In 1977 Father Donovan was presented with a festschrift in his honor.
Titled Inscape, the volume included essays, articles, and other works
of members of the Boston College faculty. Editors Michael J. Connolly and
Lawrence G. Jones stated in the preface that the contents touched on "three
of the vitalizing ideals which Father Donovan has continually sought to
sustain in the faculty: poetry and art; teaching and learning; the Society
of Jesus and this college."
For Further Study: The Burns Library houses a complete
collection of Father Donovan's publications, including his series of
"Occasional Papers on the History of Boston College." In addition, the
library preserves administrative files relating to his work as Academic
Vice-President and Dean of Faculties, and Dean of the School of
Education. For more information, please contact the University Archives.
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