News at the Boston College Libraries

What is TEI and the TAPAS Project?

November 23, 2015

Anna Kijas (Digital Scholarship Librarian, Boston College)
Ben Doyle (TAPAS Project Manager, Northeastern University)

Wednesday, December 2, 2015 @ 3 - 4 pm
Rm. 307 (O’Neill Library)
Boston College

Boston College Libraries recently joined the TEI-C (Text Encoding Initiative Consortium), which gives us access to the TAPAS Project: TEI Archive, Publishing, and Access Service (2013), supported and hosted by the Digital Repository Service at Northeastern University in connection with the TEI Consortium.

In this workshop we will provide an overview of TEI and the TAPAS Project, as well as demonstration of TAPAS. This session will appeal to those who are interested in learning about what text encoding (TEI) is and how to apply it for teaching, research, or scholarly purpose; those who are already using TEI and want to know how to share, publish, and teach with it.

Visit the Digital Scholarship Group at BC Libraries for additional information about current projects, services, and other resources. If you’re interested in using digital tools and methods in your class, research, or projects, please contact us at bcdigschol-ggroup at